5 Energy Saving Tips To Stay Warm and Save Money This Winter
The transition from fall to winter can happen quickly, with frigid temperatures sneaking up on homeowners. Here are five easy ways to save energy and money during the chilly winter months.

A Comparison: Heat Pump vs AC and Heating Units
Location, climate, and size are just a few of the important factors to take into account when determining whether an electric heat pump or traditional AC unit is right for you.

What is a Split Type Air Conditioner, and Can it Replace My Window Units?
Like window units, split type air conditioners are easy to install and inexpensive compared to central air systems. There are several advantages to a split type air conditioner that can make it a better option for many households.

5 Summer Energy Saving Tips From the Experts
Here are a few simple steps to cut down on your energy use and save on your electricity bill. Most of these you can do yourself, while others may require an HVAC professional.

What The R-22 Phase Out Means For Homeowners
As part of a nationwide plan to drastically reduce environmentally harmful emissions, the EPA has mandated the complete phase-out of a common air conditioner refrigerant known as R-22 by the year 2020.